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Nourishing Your Picky Eater: Tips from a Paediatric Dietitian

If you're a parent of a picky eater, you're not alone in facing the challenge of ensuring your child gets the nutrition they need. As a paediatric dietitian, I understand the concerns that come with mealtime battles. But fear not! In this blog post, I'll share valuable tips to help increase your child's food intake and promote a more varied and balanced diet.

1. Create a Positive Mealtime Environment

One of the first steps to address picky eating is to establish a positive mealtime atmosphere. Avoid power struggles, and make mealtimes enjoyable. Sit together as a family, engage in pleasant conversation, and keep the atmosphere relaxed. This can help reduce anxiety and make your child more open to trying new foods.

2. Offer a Variety of Foods

Exposure to a variety of foods can help broaden your child's palate. Introduce different fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains regularly. Keep in mind that it may take multiple attempts before a picky eater accepts a new food, so be patient.

3. Be a Role Model

Children often mimic their parents' eating habits. Demonstrate healthy eating behaviors by enjoying a diverse and balanced diet yourself. If your child sees you enjoying a wide range of foods, they may be more inclined to try them too.

4. Get Them Involved

Involve your child in meal preparation. Let them help wash vegetables, mix ingredients, or assemble their own meals. This not only makes mealtime more engaging but also gives them a sense of ownership over their food choices.

5. Make Meals Appealing

Presentation matters. Create visually appealing meals with vibrant colors and fun shapes. Use creative names for dishes, like "superhero broccoli" or "rainbow fruit salad." Sometimes, a playful approach can pique a picky eater's interest.

6. Respect Their Appetite

Respect your child's hunger cues and avoid pressuring them to finish their plate. Overloading their plate can be overwhelming. Allow them to serve themselves or serve smaller portions to avoid food waste.

7. Be Patient and Persistent

It's common for picky eaters to reject new foods initially. Keep offering a variety of foods, even those they've refused before. It may take time for their taste buds to adjust, so don't give up too soon.

8. Offer Healthy Snacks

Provide nutritious snacks between meals to ensure your child gets the calories and nutrients they need. Opt for options like cut-up fruits, yogurt, or whole-grain crackers with hummus.

9. Consult a Pediatric Dietitian

If you're concerned about your child's nutrition or their picky eating habits persist, consider seeking guidance from a paediatric dietitian. They can assess your child's dietary needs and provide tailored recommendations to ensure they receive the essential nutrients for growth and development.

Click HERE to book a consultation with our expert paediatric dietitians at Nutrition and Co.

Dealing with a picky eater can be a challenging journey, but with patience, persistence, and the guidance of a pediatric dietitian, you can help your child develop healthier eating habits. Remember that every child is unique, and progress may come at its own pace. By creating a positive mealtime environment and gradually introducing new foods, you can nurture your child's love for a variety of nutritious options.

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