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Reflux /GORD in children

All our nutrition consultations are done via our telehealth online platform and app.  Wherever you are, you can speak to our expert childrens dietitians & nutritionists.


Our process is simple 

1. You book an initial consultation

 2. You activate your practice better account (our online software) 

3.  We send you the pre-assessment forms

4. You will receive an email with your zoom link

5. You meet your dietitian. 

Reflux vs. GORD

Acid reflux is the backflow of gastric acids and bile from the stomach up into the oesophagus (food pipe).

Majority of babies with reflux are well  as they are breathing normally. There are nutritional interventions that may decrease the incidence or reflux from occurring. 

GORD is different in that it causes pain and discomfort in a babies chest and stomach. 

What are the signs and symptoms of GORD?

  •  frequent spitting up or regurgitation after feeds

  • abdominal pain or general crankiness in the hours after feeding

  • Babies may not gain weight as expected (failure to thrive) and may have frequent chest infections due to aspirating (breathing in) stomach contents into the windpipe and lungs.

How our expert paediatric dietitian's can help treating reflux or GORD

  • Ensure there are no nutritional deficiencies 

  • Provide practical tips on how to better manage reflux/GORD

  • Consider thickening formula 

  • Meal planning 

  • Prescribe / recommend Specialised formulas 

Initial consultations are 60 minutes and together you and your paediatric dietitian will take into consideration your child's medical history, current feeding patterns, challenges, dietary needs, medications and preferences. 

After your consultation you will receive detailed individualised advice and recommendations for your child. All reports and documentation will be shared via your personal secure account.

Follow ups will be arranged by your paediatric dietitian. 

What to expect 

Image by Daniel Thomas

Nutrition and Co strives to be a leading force in personalized nutrition, offering a comprehensive range of services through a team of dedicated registered dietitians. Our commitment is to guide individuals and organizations towards sustained health and well-being.

+447888465215 (Whatsapp only) 

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