Food Allergies & Intolerances in Children
We provide you with expert paediatric dietitian's who are qualified and well trained to assess and diagnose which allergy or intolerance your child may have.
All our nutrition consultations are done via our telehealth online platform and app. Wherever you are, you can speak to our expert childrens dietitians & nutritionists.
Our process is simple
1. You book an initial consultation
2. You activate your practice better account (our online software)
3. We send you the pre-assessment forms
4. You will receive an email with your zoom link
5. You meet your dietitian.
Food allergy vs. Food intolerance
A food allergy happens when the body's immune system, which normally fights infections, sees the food as an invader. This leads to an allergic reaction.
An allergic reaction is an immune system response in which chemicals like histamine are released in the body. An allergic reaction can be mild or severe. A person can have a severe reaction to a food even if their previous reactions were mild. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include:
trouble breathing
throat tightness
vomiting and /or diarrhoea
abdo pain
itchy, watery, or swollen eyes
red spots
a drop in blood pressure, causing lightheadedness or loss of consciousness (passing out)
Approximately 90 percent of all food allergies are caused by the following eight foods:
Tree nuts
Food intolerance:
doesn't involve the immune system
can happen because a person can't digest a substance, such as lactose
can be unpleasant but is rarely dangerous
The symptoms of food intolerance can include ;
loose stools
feeling of being "flushed."
Diagnosis of a food allergy
If your child might have a food allergy, the we will ask about:
your child's symptoms
the time it takes between eating a particular food and the start of symptoms
whether any family members have allergies or conditions like eczema and asthma
If we suspect you have a delayed allergy , skin prick tests will show a false negative, however if you have an immediate allergy, we will request a skin prick test and /or blood test to be done by your GP.
Skin prick test. This test involves placing liquid extracts of food allergens on your child's forearm or back, pricking the skin, and waiting to see if reddish raised spots (called wheals) form. A positive test to a food shows that your child might be sensitive to that food.
Blood tests to check the blood for IgE antibodies to specific foods
Initial consultations are 60 minutes and together you and your paediatric dietitian will take into consideration your child's medical history, current feeding patterns, challenges, dietary needs, medications and preferences.
After your consultation you will receive detailed individualised advice and recommendations for your child. All reports and documentation will be shared via your personal secure account.
Follow ups will be arranged by your paediatric dietitian.
What to expect