Irritable Bowel Syndrome 12 week Program
Our 12 week IBS program, is designed to help individuals manage their IBS symptoms by following first line IBS advice and the Low FODMAP diet. Led by specialist IBS dietitians, this program provides personalized advice to help individuals manage their IBS symptoms and enjoy food again.
How do we treat IBS in our Gut Re-set program?
Step 1 – Lifestyle (Gut-brain axis, Diet and gut bacteria adjustment)
We target stress , sleep , cortisol and exercise and first line IBS dietary advice for 2 weeks.
Step 2 – Elimination of all FODMAPS
After 2 weeks of first line dietary advice, we do another assessment to see where the clients symptoms are , if they are still experiencing symptoms – we put them on the Low FODMAP Diet for 6 weeks.
Step 3 – Re-introduction of FODMAPS
We re-introduce all the FODMAPS through a systematic approach, so the client will understand their exact food triggers
Step 4 – Modification of Diet
Once we know the clients results from the re-introduction, we modify their diet so there is no unnecessary restriction.
Whats included in our IBS Gut Re-set Program
4 x 1-1 sessions
Grocery Lists & Recipes
Access to an abundance of resources
Access to private fb community
Weekly check ins via app
Direct messaging with your dietitian via app
Personalised meal planning
Weekly food log reviews
What to expect
You will be booked in for a 60 minute initial consultation with your IBS Dietitian, in which you will discuss your current lifestyle, symptoms , medications , stressors and dietary intake. A individualised plan will be made for yourself. Your IBS Dietitian will decide if you are going to do 1st line IBS advice or commence right away with the elimination phase of FODMAPS. All notes and resources will be shared with you on our GDPR secure platform.
Follow ups will be discussed and booked in advanced with your dietitian. In between sessions, you have access to our app where you can send your dietitian messages to communicate when you need.
Weekly analysis of your food diary will also occur.
96% complete IBS symptom improvement
95% had an increase in energy
90% had reduced stress
Our goal is to ensure you have all the tools in place to manage your IBS and know exactly what to eat to simplify your life!
What our clients say